EECS 485: Web Systems

The University of Michigan
Spring 2024

A holistic course of modern web systems and technologies, covering front end and back end. Build an Instagram clone in the first half of the semester and a Google clone in the second. Syllabus

Course Info

Project 5
Lecture (in-person and recorded)
Tue, Thu 2-5pm in 3150 DOW
Lab (in-person and recorded)
Wed 3-5pm in 3150 DOW
Office Hours
All office hours will be held over Zoom.
Staff Office Hours
See calendar below
Professor Office Hours
Wed noon-2pm (sign up)

Exams will be held online on Gradescope.

Midterm Exam
Tuesday, June 4 8-10pm
Final Exam
Wednesday June 26 8-10pm
Exam repository
Practice exams from past semesters
Extended time request
Send us your SSD documentation

Projects and Tutorials


All times listed are in Ann Arbor's time zone.
Day Lecture Lab Deadline
Week 1
May 6-10

L01: Introduction to EECS 485, Static Pages

L02: Server-Side Dynamic Pages, Sessions

Project 1 Intro, Python
Week 2
May 13 - 17

L03: Encryption, Web Security

L04: REST APIs, Client-Side Dynamic Pages

Project 2 Intro, Databases
Project 1 due Fri May 17 11:59pm
Week 3
May 20 - 24

L05: Client-Side Applications, Asynchronous Programming

L06: MapReduce, Google File System

Project 3 Intro, REST APIs
Project 2 due Fri May 24 11:59pm
Week 4
May 27 - 31

L07: Operating Systems and Parallelism, Networking

No Thursday lecture

Asynchronous Debugging, React Best Practices
Project 3 due Fri May 31 11:59pm
Week 5
June 3 - 7

No Tuesday lecture

L8: Text Analysis for Web Search, Link Analysis for Web Search

Project 4 Intro and MapReduce, Multithreaded Debugging
Midterm Exam Tuesday, June 4 8-10pm (online)
Week 6
June 10 - 14

L9: Scaling Search, Scaling Static Pages

L10: Scaling Dynamic Pages, Scaling Storage

Project 5 Intro, MapReduce Pipelines
Project 4 due Fri June 14 11:59pm
Week 7
June 17 - 21

L11: Recommender Systems, Ads and Auctions

L12: Blockchain, Dark Web

No Lab (Juneteenth)
Project 5 due Fri June 21 11:59pm
Week 8
June 19 - 23

No Lectures

No Lab
Final Exam Wednesday June 26 8-10pm (online)


Reach us at

John Kloosterman head shot
John Kloosterman

Ellen Ai head shot
Ellen Ai

Jenna Jaehnig head shot
Jenna Jaehnig